Tank: Target; cardigan: Wet Seal; belt: thrifted; shorts: So from Kohl's; shoes: Soda; necklace: Forever 21.
I am so pale :(. Rhiana took this cool picture below!!
Tank: American Eagle; denim jacket: Forever 21; skirt: Lapis; shoes: Target; necklace: Forever 21.
Broken furniture makes for cool pictures haha.
Click this one to enlarge it :)
I curled my hair and did brown and green eye makeup. :)
I almost forgot a funny one. This is me about to take off in flight... something I have started doing that makes Rhi so crazy hahahah. ;)
I really enjoyed doing this and I hope Rhiana and I will do it more often. Hope everyone is having a good week. Break is almost over :( but the weather is warming up!